
Spotlight on Learning- The Balance of Things

March 10, 2024

Spotlight on Learning: BALANCE OF THINGS

Presented by: Mr. Ian Newton

Course: Science 9

TEACHER REFLECTION: The recuring theme of “Balance” is prevalent throughout Science 9, and Science 10.  It is the one word that can be used to express content in all areas of the curriculum. When students discover this connection, the reaction resembles an epiphany of deeper understanding.  The last two weeks of “Deeper Learning” provides the opportunity to explore these connections.

Students are assigned the task to analyse the phrase “Too much of anything is a bad thing” and use the concepts covered in science 9 and their own traditional knowledge to describe how this sentence impacts them and the world in which we all live.

This question is intentionally open ended to have students consider all their study, independent learning and notes in Science 9. To assist students understanding we watched the movie “Supersize me” which documents the accounts of a person eating only McDonalds food for an entire month.  The results of this experiment were devastating.   With this information and students' own portfolios, which contain milestones of specific learning outcomes in Science, they are now able to create their final demonstration of understanding which can be in the form of:

  • Research Paper
  • Graphic Organizer
  • Research Video/Documentary
  • Research PowerPoint Presentation (Live or Pre-recorded)
  • Research Poster & Model with presentation & demonstration (Live or Pre-recorded)


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