
Spotlight on Learning- Science in Me!

February 23, 2024

Spotlight on Learning: Science in Me! 

Presented by: Mr. Matty

 Course: Science 10 

Driving Question: How does science explain why you are alive? 

TEACHER REFLECTION: As I have often been with PBL and IBL assignments, I was blown away with some of the presentations from my students. How some “developing” students were able to summarize difficult upper-level concepts in a short and succent way and even how “extending” students dove into university level concepts was impressive. There were of course the projects in which students were simply reading slides, but I still believe learning was happening, and for that, I enjoyed giving the project to all students. Overall, I will offer the project again.

 STUDENT REFLECTIONS: “I liked that we had time extra time to focus on one class. but I think they could've made it one week instead, Instead of projects I would rather it be for catchup and I'd rather do an exam. Exams are easier and less stressful for me. The project was okay I just didn't feel like I learned or improved much.”

 “I loved how we got a long time to learn and work on our projects, the long time didn't feel long at all because we were too focused on studying. I felt great about my project, I also learned that I have a good amount of potential but I just need to show up more.”

 “I enjoyed having time to work on ideas and projects I enjoyed learning about. I did not enjoy sitting in chairs for 5 hours every day doing the same thing. Mr. Matty created a good project that explored all the information that we learned about in class. I learned how to create high level projects during 3 hour block and I learned about how complex the Earth is.” 

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