News from the Nest - Feb. 13-17
Spotlight on Learning: ADST- Robotics and Electronics 9/10
The Challenge
The intent of the Tethered Mini-Sumo Robot Challenge is to introduce junior students to the varied field of Technology through the design, building and competing in an event that is fun and exciting. The Mini-sumo is an internationally standardized class of robotic competition, which has traditionally seen most competitions use a computer-programmed chip to control the robot. Our challenge has been adapted to use a tether and remote to control the robots.
The objective of the Sumo robot challenge is simple; get your opponent out of the ring using traditional Sumo rules. To compete in the challenge, students created a self-built mini sumo that is no more than 10cm x 10cm with a max weight of 500g when placed on the playing surface at the beginning of the match. The robot will be manually controlled by the student through an attached tethered wire. Students had to build their robots to a set of criteria but were allowed full autonomy on what their robot would look like. Whether this was adding defensive capabilities to make there robots harder to lift off the mat or maybe they used a different gear ratio on their gearbox to make the robot quicker in the sumo ring.
Affordability Fund
Families/ students who are in need a support – we can help cover costs associated with school fees, clothing, school supplies and transportation – email
Staff Appreciation Luncheon – Food Sign-up
PAC is putting on a Staff Appreciation Luncheon this Wednesday, February 15th (early dismissal day). We are looking for parents' help with some food items: cookies, cupcakes, drinks, snacks, samosas, salads, fruit and veggies. For more details & to sign-up please visit:
Instapot Instant Success!
Students on the Starfish program and those who regularly make their own dinners were invited to learn how to use an Instapot in an afterschool club. Sam, our ISW, is leading the students learning. At the end each of the program students will have a recipe book, bag or ingredients and an Instapot to take home!
Character Word of the Week – Responsibility
Students demonstrate the trait of responsibility by taking ownership of their lives and acknowledging their power to choose what they think (including their attitudes and mindsets), say and do, and their accountability for the consequences of their choices.
Key Beliefs:
I will be a better student if I act on the following beliefs:
- It is an obligation that I do my best work and be my best self.
- By my choices, I determine what kind of person I am and how others will view me.
- I am responsible for my actions and their consequences.
- It’s up to me to have a positive attitude, which is more likely to have positive results.
- I should do what I have to do without whining or giving excuses.
Report Cards Available Now
Report cards are available online through your child’s MyEd BC account. The instructions are to the right. Parents who would like a paper version of their child’s report card can come on it and we will print on demand.
Self-Care Monday
Taking brain breaks is very important for positive mental health and improving focus. Brain breaks allow you to revitalize your mind and unblock regions in your brain that aren't functioning correctly due to stress and high-intensity work. Breaking away from a tedious routine of work for even just 5 minutes can revitalize and recharge you and help improve your performance in school, at work and even as an athlete.
This week’s self-care tip is about: Memory games as brain breaks
People of all ages use brain-training games to improve mental functioning and prevent brain aging. Backing them up is research showing that brain-training games may help improve attention levels, memory, response time and logic skills.
So, on that note, try a memory game as brain break today!
Try this activity:
- Monday, February 13
- Black History Month Assembly
- Hawk Day
- Self-Care Monday
- B – Course Planning Gr 11
- C – Course Planning Gr 10
- D – Course Planning Gr 9
- Tuesday, February 14
- C – Course Planning Gr 10
- D – Course Planning Gr 9
- B – Course Planning Gr 11
- A – CandyGram Deliveries
- High School Partners UFV Breakfast
- Sr. Boys EVAA Playoffs
- Jr Boys EVAA Playoffs
- Wednesday, February 15
- Early Dismissal Day
- School Ends at 11:48am
- PAC Staff Appreciation Lunch
- Secondary Reporting Process
- Sr. Boys EVAA Playoffs
- Sr. Girls EVAA Playoffs
- YDI Parent Consent Home
- Early Dismissal Day
- Thursday, February 16
- Early Dismissal
- School Ends at 11:48am
- Sr. Boys EVAA Playoffs
- Jr. Boys EVAA Playoffs
- Sr. Girls EVAA Playoffs
- Jr. Girls EVAA Playoffs
- Early Dismissal
- Friday, February 17
- No School for Students
- Professional Development Day
- Shared Learning Conference
- Night to Remember Grad 2023
- 5:00pm to midnight