1) Why is a BYOD program significant?
BYOD prepares students to be anytime, anywhere learners and to access and interpret information that is always evolving and current. Knowledge of how to be a digital citizen, how to search for and interpret websites, information, and more while preparing students for a world that is constantly changing. BYOD programs integrates mobile and web-based technologies into its delivery structure and culture. These technologies are used to enhance learning, foster collaboration, and prepare learners for careers in which information is available anytime, and anyplace.
2) What are the benefits of having a 1:1 ratio of laptops to students in the classroom?
A laptop in the classroom instantly provides access to a world of information and tools and can be used anytime.
Our goal is not simply to use technology as a substitution for traditional learning activities, but rather it is to use technology to redefine what can be done in the classroom by leveraging technology to access information; increase communication, creativity, and collaboration; and become creators of content.
At its core, a value that the BYOD program instills is Enlightened Digital Citizenship. While our children are considered “digital natives” in that they have been exposed to technology from birth, they still need guidance in becoming a productive citizen in this massive, worldwide community. This program will teach students how to use the technology that is a part of their everyday world in a positive way as they become digital citizens.
3) This is an extra cost to parents. Is it mandatory?
Agreed! We finally have the infrastructure to support a BYOD program and are excited to implement information at their fingertips into the classroom while teaching student to be critical consumers of the worldwide web. If parents are unable to provide a laptop classrooms and the library will have a small group of daily or class loaners available.
4) Does this create a 'have and have not' distinction among the children?
We have made the conscious choice to include ALL students. We ask grade 9 students to have a laptop and thus have reduced "traditional" school supplies to accommodate this.
The only difference is students using a school laptop cannot take it home each night and occasionally, students may have to share devices in order for us to maximize the resources that we do have.
5) I’m worried that my student may lose the computer.
Agreed. We need to put an incredible amount of trust in our kids. In our experience, kids live up to these expectations with technology and things that they value.
We have not experienced any theft of personal computers. Damage to computers is generally due to accidents.
6) I’m worried that my student’s computer may be stolen.
We have not experienced any theft of personal computers. Damage to computers is generally due to accidents.
7) What if something goes wrong with the computer?
As a school, we have worked with Staples to offer the $99 warranty program that offers a “you break it, we replace it” 1-time replacement warranty. This breaks down to $25 a year for peace of mind.
8) Will the school district be invasive with its use of data from the laptops?
The intent of this is that students and parents understand that while at school, students are using the internet access supplied by the district; we treat the device as a “school device” in order to reinforce that school rules and expectations regarding behaviour always apply.
Our process is one that works in tandem with parental expectations. If a device is confiscated, parents are contacted and we discuss how they would like to proceed to help make this a learning opportunity.
9) Which computer options are the best?
Specifications - any laptop that can connect to the internet and hold a charge for approximately 6 hours. We do not recommend an iPad (functionality) and MacBooks (too expensive). A new or used computer works. Check out Costoc ($249), Staples (a range) or Craiglists/Facebook (used is excellent).
10) I understand that I don't have to participate in the program, but I’m concerned that my child will be in the 'have-not' group.
We have made the conscious choice to include ALL students. We are prepared to support our Grade 9's with daily loaners.