
Spotlight on Poetry in Our Everyday Lives

June 9, 2024

Spotlight on Learning: 

How do we connect to poetry in our everyday lives? How can we communicate that connection to others?                                                                            

Presented by:  Ms. Becky Taylor

Course: English 10

TEACHER REFLECTION: In a group or alone, students chose a song or poem to present to the class. Along with explaining why they chose their song or poem and what it means to them, students also provided background on the poet/songwriter and analyzed the literary devices used within the piece. Finally, students included an object or image that represented some aspect of the poem/song.

STUDENT REFLECTION: I really enjoyed how this project was structured. I liked how the choice was given to the students in what/how we wanted to present the chosen media. I felt this helped me learn and apply poetic devices studied in the lyrics I listen to every day. I think I prepared well for the presentation and explained my points clearly and in a good manner. When speaking, I believe I could have been louder and made better engagement with the audience. I enjoyed being able to analyze music I like and the meaning I may have been blinded to. Overall, this was my favourite project over the course of English 10 and would love to do it again.

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